We offer EPK filming services, promotional behind-the-scenes planning, filming and editing to create both long form and short social media content for film and TV productions.
We have been lucky enough to provide EPK filming services and BTS coverage for some amazing film and TV productions, documenting a wide range of genres and producing top-quality digital video content for broadcasters and independent production companies. Recent highlights include Gatecrash (2020) an independent thriller starring Anton Lesser (Game of Thrones) and Samuel West (Darkest Hour, The Crown) as well as Superhoe (BBC3), Liaison (Apple TV+) and The Midwich Cuckoos (Sky).
Utilising the power of behind the scenes (BTS) or Electronic Press Kit (EPK) videos to engage and connect with your audience is an incredibly effective tool, and is ideal for streaming online. By documenting your production process you are providing rich, entertaining, and engaging content that viewers will remember and interact with, and they will be far more likely to become aware of your production.
We have 15 years experience working in behind-the-scenes video production and EPK filming services, for both location and studio productions in the UK and worldwide, including shoots as far as the Philippines. By working with your marketing manager or publicist to determine the best shooting dates, we can produce a range of video assets for distributors and broadcasters.
Steve will often shoot smaller projects solo in order to keep crew numbers down and still deliver a tremendous amount of value to your production. In an environment where tight timescales are common and space is limited, providing a flexible and discrete service is key. We respect people’s privacy and demands in order to not affect the smooth workflow on set, and above all believe in clear communication. By working discreetly behind the scenes we collect plenty of interesting footage of your production to tell the story of how it all came together.
We often include BTS time-lapse photography as a great way to document the construction and assembly of equipment or a set, and can also offer documentary-style photography for BTS electronic press kit, promo ads, print, and marketing requirements. Smaller cameras such as Go-Pros will often be used to get the best coverage from a moving vehicle or grip equipment, and a licensed UAV drone can be added for that killer establishing shot.
Having previously worked as a trailer producer and editor at a London movie marketing agency, Steve is a specialist in film marketing. We can create your Electronic Press Kit package and behind-the-scenes materials to match your production’s budget and requirements, massively upping your marketing ability on social media, streaming, home entertainment, and beyond. EPKs, engaging interviews with key cast and crew, promos, branded content, social media, and even press junkets and ‘red carpet’ premiere interviews with a reporter are all possible, however big or small your shoot is.
People will always find the world behind the scenes of film and TV fascinating. Whether it’s in the guise of a short-form, high-impact promo for theatrical or online, or a long-form documentary with real substance, there’s always something magical about seeing a world being created for the cameras.
“I’m one of those people who has probably watched ‘disk 2’ of my favourite movies more than disk 1!” – Steve Ramsden
We quote for each job based on what is needed, so below is the usual information we use to determine this:
We can offer a filming-only service (where we supply the raw footage) or a filming and editing service where we supply a requested set of finished deliverables.
If you know this in advance, it will help calculate an estimate.
Where will filming take place? For remote locations, is any spare crew accommodation available?
This list might give you some idea of what you will want us to capture:
B-roll with audio of any of the following:
Beyond b-roll:
Possible extras:
© 2025 Unexplored Films Ltd, Bloxham Mill, Barford Road, Bloxham, Oxfordshire, OX15 4FF | Tel: +44 (0)1295 574 540 | Email: info@unexploredfilms.com